“You don’t have to get it perfect, you just have to get it started.”
This quote has stuck with me ever since I heard it about five years ago. It has transformed how I approach my work (not just professionally) and the mentality I have when starting something new.

When we begin something, we always want it to go smoothly. We want it to be easy. We want it to be perfect.
But you know what? Things are rarely perfect when you first start out.
Take Instagram for example. Was it perfect when it was first created? It’s evolved so many times, and each time (hopefully) improving on the last. It was extremely rough when the first version came out. But we still used it, right?
Same thing goes for your fitness routine. You don’t have to get it 100% right the first time.. You just need to get going. This “getting going” phase is going to set you on the right path towards positive change.
With this being said, I’ve put together three steps to help you get going.
- Establish your goals. Understanding your goals is the very first step to putting together a plan. Think about driving: if you get in your car and begin driving, but don’t have a destination, wyed? You have to know where you want to go before you figure out how to get there.
- Establish your workout frequency. How many days/week (and how much time on those days) can you realistically commit to working out. If you can only commit 3 days to working out but your plan requires 5 days, you’re already setting yourself up for failure.
- Put together your plan. So you want to build muscle and you can train 4 days/week. Awesome! Get in the gym and start lifting some weights! You don’t have to get your plan spot on at first, you just need to get your routine started and build from there.
Now obviously it’s going to take some knowledge on exactly HOW to put together your plan. There’s A LOT to know and quite a few people get bogged down by the number of factors they need to keep in mind.
What exercises on what day? What split is good for me? How many exercises on each day? What exercises should I be doing? How many sets? Reps? Rest time? Exercise frequency?
It gets really confusing, really fast. However, I have good news for you! If you’re a newbie to the gym and have no idea where to begin, I have the PERFECT resource for you. The Studio Tone It Up is an all inclusive app that even has a 7 day Jumpstart Program that is PERFECT to get you started!

To work out with me and try the app, click HERE now! See you in the Studio!

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